Data Box - Double 45 degree angled data


This Data Box can be used when required to be screw fixed in place or laid loose within a Cable Tray or Cable Basket.

Sold with 2x angled data ports and 1x blank data plate.

An additional Angled Data Plate can be purchased here.

Blank out the hole if required with Clipsal Removable Blank Plug (Bezel Blank).

NOTE: WE DO NOT SELL DATA CABLING or DATA JACKS. Only the holder, bezelbezel blank or mounting plate.

NOTE: GPO's and DATA components as shown in images SOLD SEPARATELY.

Product Lead-time (Plus shipping): IN STOCK or a Manufacture lead-time 10-20 normal working days (Production schedule dependant)

Delivery charges are calculated based on shipping location and calculated after the checkout and before payment. Pick-up option also available and check-out.